Sunday, December 21, 2014

Virginity(With Videos)


Depending on where you live and your culture, males and females can feel some pressure about whether they are a virgin or not. Virgin refers to someone who has not had sexual intercourse. In many cultures it is seen as a bad thing by some groups if a guy has not 'lost' his virginity because it is seen as 'unmanly' or not masculine. For women it is the opposite, with young girls being pressured to not 'lose' their virginity until they are married or at least in a serious relationship. These expectations are often pushed on young people by society and may influence your decision making about your sexual behaviour.
Your decision about having sex (or being sexually intimate with someone) should be about how safe and comfortable you feel, whether it is safe sex, how in control you feel over your actions and whether your partner is respectful of your needs/wishes.

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