Monday, March 30, 2015

ORA-00904: invalid identifier Error in Oracle 11g database - Solved

ORA-00904: invalid identifier Error in Oracle 11g database - Solved

If you have worked in Oracle database ever, you would definitely have seen ORA-00904: invalid identifier error. Doesn't matter which version you are working 10g, 11g or 12g, this is one of the most common error comes while doing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in Oracle. By the way, if you are beginner, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are used to perform CRUD operation in Oracle database. What do you do if you get this error while running in SQL script? Like any error, you should first pay attention to error message, what is Oracle trying to say here. Invalid identifier means the column name entered is either missing or invalid, this is one of the most common cause of this error but not the only one. Some time it come if you use names, which happened to be reserved word in Oracle database. Now how do you resolve it?  We will learn in this article, by following series of examples which first reproduce this error and later suggest how to fix it.

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