Monday, March 30, 2015

How to Create Complex directory Tree Using mkdir -p Command in UNIX

How to Create Complex directory Tree Using mkdir -p Command in UNIX

One of the most common task in any Linux is creating directories, and most of us spend a lot of time creating complex directory structure in UNIX.  I am sure you know about mkdir command, we have been using this command in almost every operating system e..g DOS, Windows, Linux, OS/2, Solaris or many other *NIX operating system. It is one of the basic command but as important as find, grep or chmod.  mkdir stands for "make directory" and this command is literally used to create directories. Suppose, you need to create a directory tree like /opt/software/java/app/config, how are you going to create these directories? One by one right? Well, yes you can use mkdir and command to create these directories one by one as shown in below

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