Friday, August 28, 2015

Generation of Programming languages

Generation of Programming languages


    A language is a system of communication. A programming language consists of all the symbols, characters, and usage rules that permit people to communicate with computers. There are at least several hundred, and possibly several thousand different programming languages. Some of these are created to serve a special purpose (controlling a robot), while others are more flexible general-purpose tools that are suitable for many types of applications.

    Definition of Programming Language

    "A programming language is a set of written symbols that instructs the computer hardware to perform specific tasks. Typically, a programming language consists of a vocabulary and a set of rules (called syntax) that the programmer must learn".

    1st generation of programming languages

    Machine language is the only programming language that the computer can understand directly without translation. It is a language made up of entirely 1s and 0s. There is not, however, one universal machine language because the language must be written in accordance with the special characteristics of a given processor. Each type or family of processor requires its own machine language. For this reason, machine language is said to be machine-dependent (also called hardware-dependent).
    In the computer’s first generation, programmers had to use machine language because no other option was available. Machine language programs have the advantage of very fast execution speeds and efficient use of primary memory. Use of machine language is very tedious, difficult and time consuming method of programming. Machine language is low-level language. Since the programmer must specify every detail of an operation, a low-level language requires that the programmer have detailed knowledge of how the computer works. Programmers had to know a great deal aobut the computer’s design and how it functioned. As a result, programmers were few in numbers and lacked complexity. To make programming simpler, other easier-to-use programming languages have been developed. These languages, however must ultimately be translated into machine language before the computer can understand and use them.

    2nd Generation of programming languages

    The first step in making software development easier and more efficient was the creation of Assembly languages. They are also classified as low-level languagesbecause detailed knowledge of hardware is still required. They were developed in 1950s. Assembly languages use mnemonic operation codes and symbolic addresses in place of 1s and 0s to represent the operation codes. A mnemonic is an alphabetical abbreviation used as memory aid. This means a programmer can use abbreviation instead of having to remember lengthy binary instruction codes. For example, it is much easier to remember L for Load, A for Add, B for Branch, and C for Compare than the binary equivalents i-e different combinations of 0s and 1s.
    Assembly language uses symbolic addressing capabilities that simplify the programming process because the programmer does not need to know or remember the exact storage locations of instructions or data. Symbolic addressing is the ability to express an address in terms of symbols chosen by the programmer rather than in terms of the absolute numerical location. Therefore, it is not necessary to assign and remember a number that identifies the address of a piece of data.
    Although assembly languages represented an improvement, they had obvious limitations. Only computer specialists familiar with the architecture of the computer being used can use them. And because they are also machine dependent, assembly languages are not easily converted to run on other types of computers.
    Before they can be used by the computer, assembly languages must be translated into machine language. A language translator program called an assembler does this conversion. Assembly languages provide an easier and more efficient way to program than machine languages while still maintaining control over the internal functions of a computer at the most basic level. The advantages of programming with assembly languages are that they produce programs that are efficient, use less storage, and execute much faster than programs designed using high-level languages.

    3rd Generation of programming languages

    Third generation languages, also known as high-level languages, are very much like everyday text and mathematical formulas in appearance. They are designed to run on a number of different computers with few or no changes.
    Objectives of high-level languages
    • To relieve the programmer of the detailed and tedious task of writing programs in machine language and assembly languages.
    • To provide programs that can be used on more than one type of machine with very few changes.
    • To allow the programmer more time to focus on understanding the user’s needs and designing the software required meeting those needs.
    Most high level languages are considered to be procedure-oriented, or Procedural languages, because the program instructions comprise lists of steps, procedures, that tell the computer not only what to do but how to do it. High-level language statements generate, when translated, a comparatively greater number of assembly language instructions and even more machine language instructions. The programmer spends less time developing software with a high level language than with assembly or machine language because fewer instructions have to be created.
    A language translator is required to convert a high-level language program into machine language. Two types of language translators are used with high level languages: compilers and interpreters.

    4th Generation of programming languages

    Fourth generation languages are also known as very high level languages. They are non-procedural languages, so named because they allow programmers and users to specify what the computer is supposed to do without having to specify how the computer is supposed to do it. Consequently, fourth generation languages need approximately one tenth the number of statements that a high level languages needs to achieve the same results. Because they are so much easier to use than third generation languages, fourth generation languages allow users, or non-computer professionals, to develop software.
    Objectives of fourth generation languages
    • Increasing the speed of developing programs.
    • Minimizing user effort to obtain information from computer.
    • Decreasing the skill level required of users so that they can concentrate on the application rather than the intricacies of coding, and thus solve their own problems without the aid of a professional programmer.
    • Minimizing maintenance by reducing errors and making programs that are easy to change.
    Depending on the language, the sophistication of fourth generation languages varies widely. These languages are usually used in conjunction with a database and its data dictionary.
    Five basic types of language tools fall into the fourth generation language category.
    1. Query languages
    2. Report generators.
    3. Applications generators.
    4. Decision support systems and financial planning languages.
    5. Some microcomputer application software.

    Query languages

    Query languages allow the user to ask questions about, or retrieve information from database files by forming requests in normal human language statements (such as English). The difference between the definitions for query language and for database management systems software is so slight that most people consider the definitions to be the same. Query languages do have a specific grammar vocabulary, and syntax that must be mastered, but this is usually a simple task for both users and programmers.

    Report generators

    Report generators are similar to query languages in that they allow users to ask questions from a database and retrieve information from it for a report (the output); however, in case of a report generator, the user is unable to alter the contents of the database file. And with a report generator, the user has much greater control over what the output will look like. The user of a report generator can specify that the software automatically determine how the output should look or can create his or her own customized output reports using special report generator command instructions.

    Application generators

    Application generators allow the user to reduce the time it takes to design an entire software application that accepts input, ensures data has been input accurately, performs complex calculations and processing logic, and outputs information in the form of reports. The user must key into computer-useable form the specification for what the program is supposed to do. The resulting file is input to the applications generator, which determine how to perform the tasks and which then produces the necessary instructions for the software program.
    Decision support systems and financial planning languages combine special interactive computer programs and some special hardware to allow high level managers to bring data and information together from different sources and manipulate it in new ways.
    Some microcomputer applications software can also be used to create specialized applications – in other words, to create new software. Microcomputer software packages that fall into this category include many spreadsheet programs (such as Lotus 1-2-3), database managers (Such as dBase IV), and integrated packages (such as Symphony).

    5th Generation of programming languages

    Natural Languages represent the next step in the development of programming languages, i-e fifth generation languages. The text of a natural language statement very closely resembles human speech. In fact, one could word a statement in several ways perhaps even misspelling some words or changing the order of the words and get the same result. These languages are also designed to make the computer “smarter”. Natural languages already available for microcomputers include Clout, Q&A, and Savvy Retriever (for use with databases) and HAL (Human Access Language).
    The use of natural language touches on expert systems, computerized collection of the knowledge of many human experts in a given field, and artificial intelligence, independently smart computer systems.

    Thursday, August 27, 2015

    100 Best Paid Advertising Ad Networks Platforms in Alphabetical List for Advertisers & Publishers

    100 Best Paid Advertising Ad Networks Platforms in Alphabetical List for Advertisers & Publishers

    100 + Online paid advertising ad networks and platforms for advertisers, companies, media agencies, developers, publishers, gamers, bloggers, and website owners

    Best Ad Networks for USA, UK, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, UAE

    If you want to drive traffic to your site or monetize your content, want to opt for paid advertising or need to generate revenue from your content- here are 80 plus such online advertising networks that help you achieve the same for yourself.

    If you are searching for a good list of ad networks, then perhaps this is what you need as it showcases around 100 top of ad networks that are very popular around the world for their huge ad inventory and effective technology to drive unlimited ad impressions. 

    Please mention in the comments if we have left a good ad network from including in the list here.

    Individual Advertisers - Use these best advertising networks around the world to drive leads and traffic for your online publishing house. 

    Related Read:  Top 10 CPA Ad Networks

    10 best Ad Networks for UK

    Best ad networking websites that provide Paid advertising options for small business owners, advertisers, Internet marketers, affiliates, publishers, companies, media agencies, large groups, media houses and ad agencies around the Internet world. 

    These top Ads Networks serve great sources of paid traffic, leads based on different advertisement methods, ie PPC (Pay Per Click), CPM (Price per thousand ad impressions), PPV (Pay per Views) , etc . 

    Take premium advertisement services form these paid Advertising sites according to your budget and the Internet Marketing plans and campaigns you pursue. 

    100 Best paid advertising & ad networks websites and platforms in Alphabetical order list for advertisers, Marketers &  publishers online.Paid ad sites for search engine marketing for business via PPC, Premium marketing methods, and Search Engine Marketing. 

    Companies, Media house, and ad agencies- may use these top advertising platforms to offer services to their both types of the clients : advertisers and publishers. 

    Publishers- Bloggers, webmasters, developers, site owners, video uploaders, games  monetize their content using these finest ad networks for using paid ads on your site or apps.

    Alphabetical list of Top 100 Best Online advertising networks. Online Ad platforms for Paid advertisement options

    Related Resources:

    1. 152 Media- Advertising for advertisers, publishers and agencies
    2. 7 Search Search engine Marketing
    3. Xaxis (24/7 Media)- World's Largest Programmatic Media and Technology Platform
    4. 4w Marketplace- have 600 Clients and media agencies
    5. Ad4Game- Ad4Game has InGame Ads (Image and Text) for Flash Developers
    6. AOL Platform for ad networks, trading desks, agencies & publishers
    7. Adconion Media Group- have 2000 Advertisers and agencies
    8. Adfunky- growing ad network and digital media company
    9. AdJug- Providing Online Advertising Exchanges
    10. Adknowledge- multi-channel global technology company- social networking, mobile, video and email ads - (Cubics)
    11. Adnboost- it uses audience data to target users for your apps & sites in real-time
    12. Admeld (Google)- The best of Admeld, now in DoubleClick Ad Exchange
    13. Adperio- Advertising in the Open
    14. Adverline-25 Million Unique Visitors
    16. A Division of AOL Platforms
    17. Advertising options for Advertisers and companies
    18. Alfy Video Network- Now Optimatic
    19. Ampush- Facebook and Twitter Advertising Platform
    20. Appatyze- platform for Advertisers and Developers
    21. Applifier- Video Ads for Games
    22. Appnext- monetization platform for native app developers and advertisers
    23. APP Prizes- Video Ad Platform for Games
    24. appssavvy-Advertising options for Mobile ads
    25. Be On- AOL Platform- 16 key verticals to 40,000 publishers in over 90 countries around the world.
    26. Bidvertiser
    27. BrightRoll- Monetize Video, Apps, Games, etc
    28. Casale Media
    29. Chitika Ads
    30. Clickky
    31. Clicksor
    32. Concours Mania
    33. CPMStar
    34. Criteo
    35. deal united
    36. DSNR Media Group
    37. Ebuzzing
    38. Engagebdr
    39. Evonia (Affiz CPM)
    40. Facebook Ads- Advertise on FB
    41. Fox Networks
    42. GLO Gaming
    43. Google AdWords- Advertising by Google
    44. Harren Media
    45. Hi-Media
    46. Improve Digital
    47. Infolink intext ads for advertisers
    48. Inlinks ads
    49. Innity
    50. Intergi
    51. Jun Group
    52. Komli Media Inc.
    53. Kontera intext ads for Marketers
    54. Lead Marketing
    55. Lifestreet Media
    56. LinkedIn ads
    57. Live Gamer
    58. LiveRail
    59. maudau
    60. MediaBrix
    61. Mediastay
    62. Metanetwork
    63. myThings
    64. NextPerformance
    65. Nextperience
    66. Open Inventory media
    67. OpenX
    68. Playnomics
    69. Peanut Labs
    70. Promote Clix
    71. Publicidad
    72. PubMatic
    73. RockYou
    74. Rubicon Project
    75. Selectable Media
    76. Sharethrough
    77. Smowtion
    78. Social Games Ad Network - SGA
    79. Social Game Media
    80. Social Reality
    81. SociaVibe
    82. Specific Media
    83. SponsorPay
    84. SpotXchange
    85. Sticky Ads
    86. SupersonicAds
    87. Technorati Media
    88. TokenAds
    89. TradableBits Media Inc.
    90. Traffective
    91. Tremor Video
    92. TrialPay
    93. Tribal Fusion Media
    94. Tube Mogul
    95. Underdog Media
    96. Unified
    97. Unruly Media
    98. Visualtising
    99. WildTangent
    100. Ybrant Digital

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